
Monthly Coaches/Managers and General Club Meeting

Mon, 20 Jul 2020
from 19:30 to 21:30

by Stuart Hitchcock
Posted: over 4 years ago
Updated: over 4 years ago by Marlins Secretary
Visible to: public

Time zone: Sydney
Reminder: 2 hours before
Ends: 21:30 (duration is about 2 hours)


The Executive and Committee of the Illawong Marlins Baseball Club wish to invite all parents and senior players to our monthly club meeting, which is typically held on the third Monday of each month. This is a great opportunity to come along and meet the Executive and the Committee of the club.

The monthly meeting is held to help in the running of the club, so if you are able to devote a small amount of time to assist in the running of the club it would be greatly appreciated, every little bit helps.

With less than 1 month before we start Summer registrations, the Clubs needs to start planning and prepping for Summer Season 2020-2021.

Note: This Meeting will be held be held in the Clubhouse with the appropriate social distancing rules.

Please answer the attached questions if you intend to attend.


Marlins Baseball Club, Barden Ridge


Replies are closed.

Limit: 15 members.

0 people invited.
448 people did not reply.

7 people replied 'yes'.

Reply details hidden.

  • [2020-Jul-10 12:34] Marlins Secretary: Updated
  • [2020-Jul-19 12:01] Marlins Secretary: Updated
  • [2020-Jul-20 13:45] Marlins Secretary: Updated

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